Travelling to Iceland

4 seasons per day 

Iceland is an island in the North Atlantic and therefore the weather can change rapidly and almost without warning. In fact, if your lucky, you could experience the four seasons within the same day.

This weather pattern creates an incredible atmosphere  but also requires that you make sure to come prepared, Bring your 3 layers, hat, gloves, and water resistant shoes. 

Dress for the weather and join us towards the Icelandic horizon.

Helpful info

Where is Iceland?

Iceland is a North Atlantic island and a part of Europe. It lies about 800 km northwest of Scotland and 970 km west of Norway. It´s northern coast is just below the Arctic Circle.

Fun fact: Reykjavík and Athens are equally far away from London.

How should I dress?

In the summer, light clothing is often all you need – but always be prepared for both cold and wet weather, all times of the year. The weather can be extremely changeable and tricky to foresee. Icelanders often say, “If you don´t like the weather, just wait 15 minutes.” The local trick to staying warm and prepared for all weather is layers of clothes. In the wintertime, you will need warm shoes and socks!

Fun fact: A favourite pastime is year-round outdoor swimming in countless geothermally heated pools and lagoons, with a typical temperature of 25-28°C. Bring your swimsuit!

How can I get from Keflavík International Airport to Reykjavík?

There are always Taxi’s located outside the airport.

A cheaper option would be traveling by bus from the airport to Reykjavik City Center – They leave every 30 minutes

Do Icelanders speak English?

Most Icelanders speak fluent English. In fact, they welcome the opportunity – so never be shy about approaching an Icelander.

Can I pay my fees with a credit card?

All major credit cards are accepted. We do not however accept payments with Diners Club Cards or American Express Cards.
The local staff at restaurants and stores are happy to help you out with the cash, however.

When is it daylight in Iceland?

Summer visitors who arrive to a bright midnight sky and ask when it gets dark in Iceland are sometimes told “in the middle of August.” The sun barely sets in the summer and it´s light round-the-clock in the north at the peak of summer. In mid-winter, expect only about four to five hours of daylight a day.

Experience Iceland with us

Iceland Horizon is the only operator in Iceland that offers day tours and tailor made services in Reykjavik, Akureyri and Lake Mývatn. We are a team of local expert guides, and experienced travel designers.

More about us Get in touch